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Talk with Mom

Talk with Mom

Having got the nod, Riya now proceeds to the washroom. Soon, sheโ€™s out with a chilling bath. Now, she finds herself in front of her wardrobe searching for a dress to get ready for โ€˜Last dayโ€™. Meanwhile, her mother walks into her bedroom fuming at the sight of the messy bed; crowned by the wet towel. โ€˜God knows what will this girl do after her marriageโ€™ she begins with her rethoric. โ€˜oh mamma, I am still in school, thereโ€™s still much time to ponder upon all theseโ€™ Riya replies. โ€˜School, itโ€™s over today naโ€™ her mother asks. Exasperated by her motherโ€™s response, Riya says โ€˜Does that mean I sit for marriage tomorrow? Donโ€™t you want me to study.โ€™

Startled by Riyaโ€™s response, her mother leaves the towel she hold on the bed and moves to console her enraged daughter. โ€˜Of course, I want. Your father too wants to see you study, perhaps more than mine. Itโ€™s just thatโ€ฆ. Ok sorry beta, sorry.โ€™

Riya gets cherished by her motherโ€™s response, she abruptly hugs her. Thatโ€˜s how she is. Frequent mood changes. Happy now, sad then. And her anger always at her nose, ready to burst as and when things donโ€™t go her way. โ€˜Ok Mamma, I am sorry too. I just carried away a bit. You know todayโ€™s the last day at school so I am having heightened emotions of excitement, gloom, happiness, and all the rest, you know.โ€™

โ€˜Itโ€™s okay beta. But, excitement I get it. But why gloom?โ€™ Her mother asks.

โ€˜Isnโ€™t it natural? After all, I have been in this school for the last 12 years.โ€™, Riya replies.

โ€˜Yeah thatโ€™s true. Listening to you, now I realise how time has just flown awayโ€ฆ I still clearly remember your cute and teary-eyed face the first day. Hope you donโ€™t end this journey on the same note as you started it.โ€™

Riyaโ€™s eyes light up listening to her mother, โ€˜I am getting nostalgic already. Just think of it. 12 yearsโ€ฆ. So many friends came and went. So did numerous teachers. But I stood there as a constant amidst a changing environmentโ€™

With raised eye brows, her mother asks โ€˜Getting poetic, ha. Not in love, are youโ€™

โ€˜Of course not Mammaโ€™

โ€˜Yeah better. You dare not, especially not without your papaโ€™s permissionโ€™, Her mother replies with a relieved expression.

โ€˜Did you need to begin that againโ€ฆโ€™ says Riya, visibly frustrated by her motherโ€™s reaction.

โ€˜Itโ€™s nothing to be angry, Riya. You are now growing up. So, you should know being a young girl is difficult in this society. And this things just add to your difficulty, you know. But donโ€™t be upset now, itโ€™s your day. Enjoyโ€™

โ€˜I donโ€™t know what all these has to do with my being a girl. But okay I shall not argue with you todayโ€™

โ€˜Alright. Enjoy the day. But only for today. Then no outing for a month till your boards are over.โ€™ โ€˜Now get ready soonโ€™, says her mother walking out of her room.

โ€˜In a minute, mammaโ€™, Riya replies from her dressing table.


Within a few minutes, Riya gets out to the veranda of her huge house, clad in the โ€˜dress codeโ€™ decided for the day, viz white T shirt and blue jeans. Her Father back from his morning walk, greets her. โ€˜Looking so cute my bacha. Last day at school? Enjoy.โ€™ โ€˜Sure papa, bye. See you โ€™, Riya replies gleefully. As she was about to move out, her grandma comes into the veranda, relieved of her hour long prayer. Riya greets her, โ€˜Oh hello Grannyโ€™.

โ€˜Are you going to school in that dress?โ€™, asks her grandma with an expression of shock.

โ€˜ Aree, Grandmaa itโ€™s my last day at schoolโ€™, she says stooping close to her. Then, she whispers in her ears, โ€˜Anyways gone are your days and thoughtsโ€™ and shouts โ€˜BYE BYEEโ€ฆ. Mamma, papaโ€™. Before she finishes, her School bus arrives. And goes Riya for one last time to her school..




Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Native Language: English
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