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Teary eyed

Teary eyed

The function begins with the National anthem, followed by the school Anthem. This has been the norm in the school, over the years. This formal beginning was followed by some fabulous dance and singing performance by their juniors. By the time, the third singing performance was on play, half the audience, mainly the outgoing batch were up on their feet, huming to the performance. Some were even dancing. Enjoyment was on the high. Just as the performance was over, the artist were met by a standing ovation. As they were anticipating another fabulous performance, the Anchor is directed to sit down and here stands the Principal.
Moves as he towards the podium in his usual style, Riya and her friends watches him with part annoyed, part fearful and part irritated eyes. The boys started yawning, while some prepared to have a quick nap, anticipating a boring and dull moral lesson ahead.
โ€˜My dear studentsโ€™, starts the principal in a rather emotional cum soft tone, much to the astonishment of his audience. โ€˜I know this is a very emotional moment for you. As it marks the end of your long association with your Second home.โ€™ โ€˜Well I am tooโ€ฆMy journey as a teacher began 30 years ago, much before you were born. In this long journey, I have seen batches come and go. Itโ€™s nothing new for me.โ€™, the principal continues. โ€˜But let me confess I have had a close yet special connect with you all. I have seen many of you grow in front of my eyes. Those visuals keep coming back to me as I speakโ€™, says the Principal getting emotional.
โ€˜Todayโ€™s the end. Itโ€™s okay enough to be sad and emotional. But remember every end is the signal of a new beginning. This is how life isโ€ฆ All the bestโ€™
As the principal ends his speech and gets down the podium, the audience observes pin drop silence. Left speechless by this unexpected spectacle of their principal, they just look on. This was followed by a video which covers their journey and special messages by their teachers. With this the function comes to an end and so does this journeyโ€ฆ.
Teary eyed, they now turn to their favourite teachers, having an intimate exchange. Meanwhile Riya moves towards the man,she dreaded the most in her school life- the Principal.
Greeting him, she says, โ€˜Thank you so much Sir. Hereโ€™s the end of my school life. I shall miss you and the schoolโ€™
โ€˜oh , I see. But is it over yet!โ€™



Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Native Language: English
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