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Illusion ends part II

Illusion ends part II

It’s a JEE coaching course. Who said it’s painting? “, said Sachin’s Uncle
“What do you mean it’s the painting course that I was exploring on the website. And wait, what you say, JEE coaching. Who told you I’m gonna do it. ”
“What’s there to tell? That’s what boys prefer to do after their 12th in PCM. Veenu is doing the same. “, said his Uncle.
” I don’t care what boys do. My exam ends today and you tell me to prepare for exam again. No, I would do what I like. “, said Sachin in a rather rebellious tone.
” Don’t be so rude, Sachin. What your Uncle did is for your good”, said his mother interjecting in between the heated conversation.
“Who said it’s good. I don’t want to give that exam, any exam actually. I don’t like engineering, physics, etc. I love painting. “, said Sachin
” Aree, listen to your uncle. And if Veenu is saying there must be some substance in it. He’s a topper, after all.”, says Sachin’s mother in a quite exasperated manner.
“Why do you bring that Veenu here. He’s talented, I know. And if he wants, let him go for the coaching. But why do you force me. Why don’t you allow me do what I love. “, said Sachin.
” But, love won’t feed you. Once, you do engineering, get settled, earn a lot of money, do whatever you want, whatever you love, right sister? “, says his uncle interjecting in middle.
” Yes yes. Your Uncle tells the truth. First study well, do engineering, get a job and then pursue your passion. No one’s gonna stop you.”, says his mother seconding her brother.

“You think about everyone. Veenu, uncle, Veena, Sushma, just not me. When I was in class IX you got me leave art school, with the excuse that 10th boards are coming. After boards do what you love. After Xth you say, take Science stream, study well for XIIth, then do what you love. And now after XIIth , you say do engineering, do job, etc. What’s the problem with you all. I didn’t say I will leave studies. Just that I want to pursue what I want and not what I dread- that damn thing- engineering. You don’t understand me , you just value yourself you just want me to earn for youโ€ฆ .. “, says Sachin with tear filled eyes. As his sentence ends, he cries. With an agitated cum crying face, he leaves their presence. He enters his grandparents’ room and bangs the door behind him.

Left in the hall now are Sachin’s mother and uncle. His father had long left, long before Sachin did. Breaking the prevailing silence, Sachin’s mom says in an apologetic way, ” I am sorry brother. You have to bear this. God knows what will happen to this boy. ”
“Ok I don’t mind. At this age, having these feelings is ok. Just see that he don’t nurture further rebellious ideas.
And doing this course is important for his future. And moreover, I have already paid for the admission”
“Here’s this bag. It’s filled with all the required paraphernalia- from T-shirt to pencil box. I came to take him with me. Thought the two of them could do coaching together”, continued the Uncle.
” That’s so good of you, but nowโ€ฆ “,
” Let him forget these and then you tell him all these. Make him understand the importance of this coaching and send him to my place. He can stay there in the period of his training. Ok let me go then”, said the uncle.
“Aree, won’t you have something. Wait let me bring you some rotis, I have made”, said his mother.
” No no no sister. I have had to take my lunch at the hotel with a client. I have another meeting nearby. I am running late”, says his uncle, as he rush out of the house, swinging his hands in the air, signalling a “bye bye”.



Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Native Language: English
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