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Exam ends part 2

Exam ends part 2

Sachin wears an uncharacteristic smile, as he greets his friends outside the exam hall. Happy he was that the dreaded epoch was over. The pressure was eased. He could now do what he liked, what he desired, finally. But could he?

Taking a roadway rickshaw, Sachin reach his home in the matter of half an hour. Getting down the ricksaw, Sachin began walking via the lane in an unusually jovial manner. Just then, as he switches on his phone, a message pops up. He clicks on it and here opens a screen with the message,
“Welcome Sachin to ” India coaching online”.Thank you for enrolling with us. We are excited to have you on board. Our learning journey begins today evening at 5:00.See you then. ”
As Sachin was trying to comprehend what he just read, he got elated. He remembered checking a “one month long painting course” on the same website a few months back. It must be a confirmation for the same. But who got him enrolled.
Who cares?, thought Sachin. After all it must have been his papa. He must have checked his phone Or laptop behind his back and got to know of it. As Sachin prepared well for the exam and most of his exam went all, this might be a return gift from his parents. In that case they deserve a thanks, they deserve a loving hug, something he did not remember giving them since he passed his elementary school.

Thinking of all these, Sachin cheerfully heads towards his home. After all his belief that his nobody understood him was shattered today. Atleast his parents do. They have done exactly what he wanted without even him asking for it. He feels like chirping as a bird recently freed from her cage would do. In a minute he reaches his home gate and opens it swiftly. “Mamma” He shouts, his voice unable to conceal his happiness. His mother now emerges out of the kitchen to the left of the verandah, where Sachin now stands. Stood as she with a started cum happy face as Sachin hugs her out of excitement and happiness. “Thank you, Mamma”, says Sachin almost in the form of a whisper.
” For my prayers, ha! Did your exams go very well ”
“It went good. But it’s not for that”
“Then what”
Before Sachin could have answered, enters their father with the question, “Meena (Sachin’s Mom), is Sachin back. I hear the exam is over and the physics paper was very easy”
“Easy it was papa”, answers Sachin . Delighted and convinced by the tone of the otherwise nonchalant and indifferent Sachin, his father remarks, ” Someone seems happy today, huh! ”
“Yeah he is elated today may be the paper went too good”, says his mother, moving to the kitchen. ” Sachin remove your clothes beta, I will have to wash and get them pressed. Your sister can use it. One of her school shirt has got torned”, says his mother handing over a glass of water to his father.
“Papa, thank you very much”
“Why Sachin”, asks his father
“For this, Papa”, says Sachin showing him his phone and pointing to the message.
” What’s this? ”
“This is a confirmation from the ” India Coaching online” for booking their course..”
“Why do you thank your father for that? Thank me”, says a man standing at the doorway.
Hearing the voice both father son turn back to find Sachin’s Uncle there.



Status: Ongoing Type: , Author: Native Language: English
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